Rooted in the belief that art exists in the everyday, nunu ceramics makes simple, sculptural functional objects for your home, or wherever you live your life.

It took me a long time to find clay. Sometimes I wish I’d started earlier - in high school, or that I’d studied ceramics in college so I could spend a lifetime mastering the practice. But then I remember that every path and detour I took along the way got me to where I am right here and now. 

In a lot of ways finding clay feels like all the pieces falling into place, all the bits and pieces I’ve accumulated along my life coalescing into one creative practice. I’ve always had a multitude of interests and struggled with feeling like I had to choose one thing, but everything is so inter-connected. In college I designed my own major with a mix of disciplines ranging from art history to anthropology to gender and sexuality studies. Post-grad I decided not to pursue academia and instead channeled my creativity into a career as a graphic designer and art director. Most recently I’ve discovered a keen interest in interiors and furniture design. 

All of these interests come together in ceramics, which is a centuries old tradition that spans cultures and erases the false separation between fine art and craft. I believe that every object we interact with in our daily lives can and should be beautiful and hold meaning.

Interested in booking a private class or event? Click here!

“Filling a space in a beautiful way - that is what art means to me.”

- Georgia O’Keeffe